Kelley's Obituary        

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Kelley Jo

Kelley 1996-November 16, 2005

We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Kelley after her short tenure here.  Kelley was  beautiful, brave, and a shameless flirt. Up to her last few days she enjoyed scampering (which is not a word normally associated with Rottweilers) after squirrels.

On June 9, 2002, Kelley came to live with us. Kelley came from the Recycled Rottweiler Rescue Group. Kelley was beautiful in a different way from Klaus. We got to know Kelley well. She, too, wiggled her stub right into our lives.





                                                                                                            June 2005


Kelley's trips to the Danada Forest Preserve were a delight to her.  It was almost as much fun as actually going to the Rottweiler Ranch itself.  

Kelley looking for a ride at Danada Forest Preserve.  

More on Kelley's life with us: Kelley's World



Copyright © 2005,-2012 Rottweiler Ranch
Updated: 12/26/2012